SecOceans provides world class services in various Informational Services such as Web Development Services, Network and Web Application Security Auditing Services

Training - Ethical Hacking
Learn about Security
- Secoceans| Certified Security Expert (S|CSE)
Web Application Training
Secure from hacking
- Web Application Security Training
- Bug Hunting Training
- Amazon Web Service
Network Security Training
Smart IT Professionals
- Network Security Training
- End Point Security Training
- Mobile Application Security Training

our company is here for help to your Future
SecOceans is one of the renown Startup who provides world class services in various Informational Services such as Web Development Services, Network and Web Application Security Auditing Services.
Secoceans stands out with their supremacy to help customers in Government, Law Enforcement, and Enterprises to identify, prevent, detect, resolve and protect from threats, crimes, breaches & frauds arising due to misuse of digital & communication devices, applications, and technologies.
Strong Skill set and Knowledge base is always the best investment for any Entrepreneur, SecOceans strongly believes in that.
SecOceans have an Educational Division with our key course SecOceans CertifiedEthical Hacking (S|CEH)
Our Dedicated Team and our 24/7 Support always gives an helpful hand for our clients. SecOceans is credited with protecting & securing the information infrastructure of several organisations and has also helped various Law Enforcement Agencies by setting up some of the best and prestigious Digital Forensic Labs in Asia, Middle East & Africa.

What Our Client Say

Harmeet Singh

Srihaas T
meet our expert team
Our vision is to be a world class business, profitable, ambitious, cooperative and considerate, supporting our clients and people through our global business principles of Quality, Unity and Integrity.
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